Premium - Product description
Premium Light
€ 29,00 per month
- The ideal package for beginners who want to expand their network. Get to know the opportunities and possibilities of Expo Smart Online in detail; the essential features are available for your successful use (upgrade possible at any time).
- You can find all details about content and features by clicking on “Become a member” in the navigation bar.
- A special price of €29 per month applies to the Premium Light membership. After the first year of use, the regular price of €59 per month will automatically be charged (for further information see price overview and terms and conditions).
Duration: 12 months
Premium Professional
€ 119,00 per month
- Your complete package for professional networking with all features and functions - for networking, reach, tailor-made customer communication - including linking to events.
- You can find all details about content and features by clicking on “Become a member” in the navigation bar.
- The Premium Professional membership starts with a three-month free trial period. This test phase ends automatically (cancellation is not necessary) unless a subsequent booking is made for a fee (for further information see price overview and general terms and conditions).
Duration: 12 months
Premium Enterprise
€ 299,00 per month
- The most powerful package at Expo Smart Online - from professionals for professionals! If it can be a little more to achieve its full potential. Comprehensive service and individual advice and coaching for events, trade fair participation, etc. included.
- You can find all details about content and features by clicking on “Become a member” in the navigation bar.
Duration: 12 months
All prices are exclusive of sales tax.