Ball Wave Inc.
Beyond the Wave - New solutions for the world
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Topthemen:Instandhaltung Mess- und SensortechnikInstandhaltungMess- und Sensortechnik
Anwender-Branchen:BiotechnologieChemische IndustrieEnergie, Wasser und UmweltKunststoffindustriePharma und Medizintechnik
Produkte und Lösungen:Datenerfassung und -AnalyseFernwartungMobile InstandhaltungPrüfung und ZertifizierungSensorik
Smart Maintenance Pavilion 2023
Unternehmensart:Hersteller StartUpHerstellerStartUp
Beschreibung Anbieter
“Capture the status quo of the world as DATA, and transform it into the INFORMATION.”
What it means by transmitting INFORMATION is drastically changing, now that the information web covers the whole world. The communication by words and pictures are getting heavily amended by machines and sensors talking to each other, which is called IoT, or Internet of Things. Based on a novel finding of the ball SAW propagation, Ball Wave Inc. will help people in achieving the ultimate sensing and communication far beyond the horizon of current technologies. Let’s go "Beyond the Wave"
President and CEO, Dr. Shingo Akao
Eigenschaften Anbieter Ball Wave Inc.
- Profil: Ball Wave Inc. is a startup company founded to develop the technology of the ball SAW sensor a chemical sensor that blossomed from technical seeds sown at Tohoku University for high speed, high sensitivity detection of substances such as trace moisture and multiple gas species, thus helping to lay foundations for safe, secure, clean,sustainable future societies. Ball Wave develops, manufactures, and sells measurement instruments—such as trace-moisture analyzers and gas chromatographs—equipped with ball-SAW sensors. In addition to the high temperature, pressure, and corrosion resistance of crystal spheres, these sensors boast over 100 times the sensitivity of conventional technologies and significantly faster response times.
InstandhaltungMess- und Sensortechnik
Produkte und Lösungen:
Datenerfassung und -AnalyseFernwartungMobile InstandhaltungPrüfung und ZertifizierungSensorik
BiotechnologieChemische IndustrieEnergie, Wasser und UmweltKunststoffindustriePharma und Medizintechnik
Smart Maintenance Pavilion 2023
Neuheiten und Informationen zu Produkten, Dienstleistungen, Kompetenzen:
Solving global problems with a spherical sensor
Features of the ball SAW sensor
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The ball SAW sensor, which is the base technology of Ball Wave, is an innovative chemical sensing technology that delivers small size, high speed, and high sensitivity.
- Small size
Small size due to the use of a special class of ultrasonic waves called surface acoustic waves (SAWs) confined near the surface of a sphere.
- High speed
Since the circulating SAW passes across the sensitive film many times, a sufficient response to the trace gas molecules can be obtained even with a very thin sensitive film, which helps achieve the high speed response due to short diffusion time of the trace gas molecules within the thin film.
- High sensitivity (x100)
Although the change in the physical properties of the SAW by the adsorbed gas on the sensitive film is very small during each round-trip around the spherical sensor, the change is amplified and high sensitivity is achieved because the SAW travels an extremely long distance around the sphere.
This makes it possible to measure a diverse range of gases such as trace moisture, hydrogen, natural gas, and mixed organic gases by forming a sensitive film that differs depending on the measurement target on the surface of a tiny quartz crystal ball.
This expands the possibilities for completely new sensing systems that offer a sensitivity around 100 times higher than conventional technology and a fast response, combined with the high-temperature and pressure resistance of a quartz crystal ball. -
The world's first drone mounted sniffer for industrial plant irregularities
Ball Wave Inc. (Headquarters: Sendai, Miyagi, Japan; CEO: Shingo Akao) has successfully mounted a Ball Wave gas chromatograph* on a drone operated by JDRONE Co., Ltd. In tests conducted at the Fukushima Robot Test Field (RTF, a public facility operated by Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework), this autonomous flying sensor successfully sampled and analyzed with high sensitivity gases emitted from the smokestack of a test plant. These tests demonstrate the feasibility of using drone mounted gas chromatographs for operational monitoring and accident prevention at industrial plants.
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A breakthrough in sensing technology
Safe, efficient operation of industrial plants such as chemical plants or power plants requires continual maintenance informed by frequent inspections. However, many locations in industrial plants are off limits to human inspectors due to dangerous heights, high temperatures, or toxic gas emission. The breakthrough reported here solves this problem by mounting Ball Wave's ultra miniature gas chromatograph on a drone operated by JDRONE (Figure 1). To ensure that the gas samples analyzed by the chromatograph are not disturbed by strong air currents from the drone’s propellers, the gas chromatograph is fed by a sampling unit constructed from a 3 meter long tube made from carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP).
To enable the rapid sensing required for plant monitoring, the usual 30 meter length of the metallic solenoid column the component of the gas chromatograph responsible for separating gases has been reduced to 10 meters to shorten analysis times. -
Ball Wave is working on cutting-edge research and development using the principles of the ball SAW
We asked the key personnel involved in research at the company about the behind-the-scenes stories, future possibilities, hopes, etc. for the various sensors.
full interview
Beispiele zu Anwendungen, Lösungen, Projekten:
FalconTrace Trace Moisture Analyzer
Measuring ultra-trace amounts of moisture at ultra-high speed to bring innovation to manufacturing processes.
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The “FalconTrace” trace moisture analyzer is a device that quantitatively measures the water molecules contained in ultra-small quantities of industrial gases and natural gas using a ball SAW sensor.
It has an extremely fast response, is able to monitor changes in the amount of moisture in real time, and can also be used for two-component measurement of moisture quantity with background gas composition analysis. The moisture concentration in the gas can be measured accurately down to the 1 ppb (part per billion) level. -
Palm-sized Gas Chromatograph SYLPH
Palm-sized gas analyzer that can be used in a wide variety of fields
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A gas chromatograph is an analyzer for measuring the species and concentration of a mixed gas of multiple species.
We successfully developed a gas chromatograph with dimensions of 100 × 100 × 100 mm and a weight of around 1 kg for space applications through the JAXA Space Exploration Innovation Hub Center by utilizing ball SAW sensor technology.
Furthermore, we developed a portable palm-sized (A5 size) gas chromatograph called Sylph for terrestrial applications, and started providing prototypes. We received “JAXA COSMODE” usage licensing from JAXA.
The basic principle used in Sylph is that the sample gas is directly sucked in by a pump, and is condensed by a built-in compact condenser. The carrier gas is provided by a hydrogen canister filled with a hydrogen absorbing alloy, and the mixed gas is injected into the column by a high-speed heater in the condenser. The various gas components separated by the column are detected by the ball SAW sensor based on the different retention times.
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Instandhaltung der Zukunft - Exzellente Produktionsprozesse ganzheitlich gedacht
Zeitraum: 27.06.2023 bis 30.06.2023
81829 München, Bayern, Deutschland
Lage Anbieter
Der Betreiber dieses Anbieter-Eintrags hat keine Anfahrtsbeschreibung hinterlegt.
- Straße: 6-6-40, Aza Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai, Miyagi
- Postleitzahl: 980-8579
- Stadt: Tohoku
- Bundesland: keine Angabe
- Land: keine Angabe
- keine Angabe
- keine Angabe
- Breitengrad : 38.254363
- Längengrad : 140.840399
Adresse: 6-6-40, Aza Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8579 Tohoku
- Telefon: +81 22 ... anzeigen
- Fax: keine Angabe
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