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Description Provider

No more old-fashioned, tedious inspection methods. We present to you a world in which drones play the main role - agile, efficient and a bit futuristic.

Highly specialized in indoor applications, AEROVISION is one of the pioneers in German-speaking countries for industrial inspections when it comes to flying over plant areas such as tanks, containers, chimneys, pipes, ducts, shafts, silos, power plant lines, etc. that are difficult or impossible to reach or to highly optimize complex inspection work.

Properties Provider AEROVISION Drone Support GmbH

  • profile: AEROVISION was born from the idea of ​​offering innovative services in the field of drone technology. While drone flights are already commonplace for outdoor inspections, inspecting indoor systems with flying robots is still relatively new territory. Due to the sometimes adverse conditions inside industrial plants such as blast furnaces, burners or chimneys, the use of standard commercial drones is impossible here. In cooperation with the manufacturer Flyability, AEROVISION is making a pioneering achievement in the field of robot-assisted visual inspections of areas of system infrastructure that are difficult or impossible to reach.
  • Company description: AEROVISION is changing the way inspections are carried out. Our indoor drones are not just a leap into the future of inspection technology, but a quantum leap in efficiency and safety.

    Structural inspection: Perfect for factories, warehouses, energy plants, industrial halls, historical sites

    Plant inspection: Ideal for tanks, containers, boilers, chimneys, pipes, channels, shafts, tunnels, silos, power plant pipelines, pressure lines, cyclones, combustion chambers

    Forgot what?: Write to us if you have a special use case. In most cases we also solve tricky cases ;)

  • top topics:
    Maintenance Services
  • products and solutions:
    Condition monitoring
    Data collection and analysis
    service provider
    facility management
    Measurement and testing technology, quality assurance
  • user industries:
    Waste management, disposal and recycling
    Construction industry, construction industry, construction suppliers
    Chemical industry
    Energy, water and environment
    Pharma and medical technology
  • Company type:
    service provider

  • News and information about products, services, skills:

    • AEROVISION Drone Support GmbH News and information about products, services, skills Indoor inspection of industrial facilities
      Indoor inspection of industrial facilities

      Structural inspection: Perfect for factories, warehouses, energy plants, industrial halls, historical sites

      Plant inspection: Ideal for tanks, containers, boilers, chimneys, pipes, channels, shafts, tunnels, silos, power plant pipelines, pressure lines, cyclones, combustion chambers

      Forgot what?: Write to us if you have a special use case. In most cases we also solve tricky cases ;)

    • AEROVISION Drone Support GmbH News and information about products, services, skills 3 REASONS...
      3 REASONS...

      ...why you should definitely talk to us when inspecting tanks, containers, chimneys and many other confined facilities!


      No employees can enter tanks, containers or other confined spaces!


      Saving on the initial costs of costly expedients!


      Low system downtimes thanks to efficient visual inspection using high-tech flying robots!

  • Examples of applications, solutions, projects:

    • AEROVISION Drone Support GmbH Examples of applications, solutions, projects THE ULTIMATE ELIOS 3

      The ultimate indoor drone for inspection, mapping and surveying.
      ​Turn your facility's collected data into digital 3D models quickly and easily with the Elios 3 - the first indoor mapping and inspection drone to offer an unmatched combination of intelligence, versatility and stability.
      The new Elios 3 is a powerful data collection tool. Drawing on the power of computer vision and LiDAR mapping, Elios 3 is a versatile indoor drone that opens doors to a world where conducting systematic inspections is even easier is made. Report creation happens intuitively based on a 3D model of your system.
      FlyAware is the unique combination of computer vision, LiDAR technology and a powerful NVidia graphics engine. As a centimeter-accurate indoor GPS, FlyAware creates real-time 3D maps that allow the drone to capture its surroundings on the fly. The pilot can see live in the pilot app where he is within the asset. Additionally, FlyAwareTM enables groundbreaking stability and high-precision location detection. The vision is to be able to carry out complex inspections of confined spaces fully autonomously in the future.

      Further information
    • AEROVISION Drone Support GmbH Examples of applications, solutions, projects I AM ELIOS 2
      I AM ELIOS 2







      Further information

  • Videos and podcasts:
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    Inspection of steel chimneys
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    Inspection of combustion chamber with laser scan
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    Inspection cyclone cement plant
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    Inspection of sewerage
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    Inspection container
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    Inspection tower of a wind turbine

  • Contact us and arrange appointments:

    • AEROVISION Drone Support GmbH Contact us and arrange appointments Managing Director
      Managing Director

      Markus Rockenschaub

  • Business card:

    • Markus Rockenschaub

      Managing Director

Location Provider

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    • not specified
    • Latitude : 48.318118
    • Longitude : 14.473278

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